White chocolate, matcha and raspberry bars

As you may already know, I am a big fan of M&S. They may be struggling to keep afloat, but I'm sure my food purchases go a way to helping them stay open, or at least, I feel like they do. I love their healthy snacks and what we could call... treats?? Sometimes my addictions make them more like a daily staple.

At the moment I can't get enough of their White Chocolate, Matcha and Raspberry bars. The matcha bandwagon seems to have had its day. The time when your matcha tea used to sit cooling while you munched on your quinoa salad is long gone. Kale is more the 'in' thing now, and as for matcha, who knows what's replaced that. Or maybe what replaced it has gone out of fashion too and I missed a trend.Whatever it is, I can only say, I have never had matcha taste so good than in this sweet bar of joy.

I've always only ever liked white chocolate - so sugar and condensed milk basically, imagining that's how milk chocolate should taste. I guess I was really sensitive to the bitter edge of the healthiest part of chocolate, the cocoa, funny that. Still, I didn't even eat white chocolate that much as a child, but it seems as an adult my sweet tooth is now making up for lost time. Matcha adds the perfect healthy kick to white chocolate, you never knew it needed. making it less sickly and more adult. (I don't know why but I always feel kiddyish eating white chocolate.)

The raspberries add a slight tart edge of perfection. The best bit: the decadent powder green bar is divided into two parts, marked AM and PM - c'mon Marks, that's asking a lot! All of mine's usually gone in two seconds!

(The mini Easter choco eggs in the pic are milk, covered with white chocolate, and weren't so nice.)


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